German Invasions

What happened today?

  • Discussed the German invasions of Europe.
  • The concept of “Appeasement.”
    • Empathy and understanding of the fears of war re: Appeasement.
  • The invasion of Poland being different.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany.  Canada declares war separately, to demonstrate they are an autonomous state, a week later 10 September 1939.  World War II had officially begun.
  • In class assignment: look at the famous quotation by Niccolò Machiavelli from his book The Prince (published 1532).  Below.  Apply it to the content we looked at this week:
    • Germany’s Interwar Period.
    • Hitler’s rise to power and those around him.
    • Appeasement and invasions.
    • Compare: How does the quotation comment on people/us today?
  • Remember: Once your project is introduced next week (Monday/Tuesday, likely) the following days will be Midterm Grading Conferences!

“You will find that people are so simple-minded and so preoccupied with their immediate concerns, that if you set out to deceive them, you will always find plenty who will let themselves be deceived.”

Niccolò Machiavelli